Wednesday 23 May 2012

Sunshine came softly through my window today...

Was that a Donovan song from the 60s?

I am aching with gardening over the last 2-3 days. We have had wonderful sunshine for 4 days now; 24 C.
Last week we went to view Alnwick Gardens; in particular to wander through their thousands of pink tulips.

We mooched up through the wrought iron gates (remade at the Duchess's request by the original firm)

 to the top plop garden which is filled with paeonies , clematis

and plants the names of which I read & thought I would try to remember for you- but I have since forgotten- the story of my life just now!

A yellow Paeony
We followed the pebblefilled rills down to the water maze; this is filled with 'scientific' constructions to show what water can do.

The tower which shows water rising till the pressure forces fountain jets to erupt is so funny because visitors do not realise what is going to happen- and inquisitive children get stuck inside the powerful screen of water jets & have to wait ages for them to subside as the pressure drops.

At Belsay on Sunday sunlit actors out on the lawn told their tales of the life of medieval ordinary folk.

Meanwhile in the library Victorian sporting ladiescavorted sidesaddle.

In the Dining Room magnificent Tudor costumes were on display.

This all sounds like Cluedo.

We wandered through the gardens to the clink of croquet mallets.Around us rhododendrons and birds were rejoicing in the sudden warmth after weeks of dull days and rotten rain!

Sorry - Herman the German friendship cake needs feeding & I have to watch Ricky on the Apprentice.

Friday 18 May 2012

Here, there and everywhere

What- I hear you say-is she doing typing up her blog at the witching hour? These last few weeks I have been running around like a blue a***d fly!

The world may look serene and blossom filled- and very wet as it has rained every day through April & now May but I am far from serene.

Even tonight we have been out with S and D to meet up at the Snowy Owl.

We have been on a foray to London to see a relative; to Masham (The Black Sheep Brewery - again) to rendezvous with rainbow K & J; we have had lycra clad, visiting cyclists from Netherlands ( just had to take them to see the Angel of the North) -bless him, B managed to get me in touch with the penfriend of my youth-Ciska.

Best of all, D3 ran the first ever Marathon of the North in the Sunderland area- a magnificent effort in a very respectable time- though she always said it was not about time but just about survival! £2000 & still counting- was sponsored for Breast Cancer Campaign and Breast Cancer Care.

When you got to go you got to go- and I am going to bed! Bon nuit.