What a week! We did indeed 'Park the Ark' by Saturday night; the pantomime seemed to make folk laugh though for the adults who run it POSH seems to give a lot of headaches like.... parents who don't think their kids should be told off, or whose kids can't turn up to final rehearsals for a variety of reasons.... whatever happened to commitment? But in the end everyone pulled their weight & it was a real success.
H1 and I received Valentine's cards- I wonder who from? We also went to Avanti (decorated beautifully by Julie as usual) for a meal- the Ds were amazed at how quickly we were back home again afterwards! Switch the telly on someone...
This morning I finished with Dan Brown who can go looking for his Lost Symbol as I found him rather repetitive and I am now moving on to 'The Shack'.
Today we did a Metro walk in Sunderland- hey! there are some really nice houses/buildings there; we dined in Elizabeth's tearoom which was genteel & reminded us of Tilleys as was in Newcastle.There were lots of kids on the loose as it is half term- enjoy half term those of you who have a break now.
Mmmm! Tonight we had a small lasagne (made by yours truly of course) and then had pancakes (early I know but it is difficult to get together with D1 & D3 when they are so busy); we are like ships that pass in the night- yes, I love having a 'housie' but it is difficult to catch up with her! We kept the fillings simple- lemon and sugar, jam, syrup.
PS Mowbray Park in Sunderland has lots of snowdrops out- and mine are out too. Hurrah! Spring is around the corner.
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