We also went to lovely Golden Wedding celebrations of good friends; I wonder in these days of cohabitation and rapid divorces among the young, how many of those will be celebrated in the years to come?
D3 and I went walking at Warkworth. The Castle motte was beautiful- on the east side of the mound the daffodils were fully out whereas those on the north side looking down towards the village, were colouring up but not quite open yet. Definitely worth a visit! After our picnic on the banks of the Coquet, we walked from the Hermitage Inn, over the ancient bridge,up the dunes, along the shore to the point, inland to Shortridge Hall and back along the river (spotting herons, mallards and swans). Daffodils everywhere.... blossom on the hawthorn hedgerows..... pink cherry blossom and white apple blossom- who needs to go abroad when Northumberland lies before them?
Did you know until 1998 it was treason to kill swans as they all belong to the Queen?
The General Election has been announced; who to vote for? or to vote at all? I have brought my family up to believe 'women died to give us the vote'- but none of the politicians seem worthy of our votes; we vote politicians out but no one party is worth voting in- sleaze! paying bankers for doing a duff job! open door immigration policy (what policy?); allowing NHS rules on crosses/bracelets/hijabs etc to change. Certainly my local Lib Dems are great for the ward but Ron MP wannabe has not answered any of my requests whereas Doug Henderson has. Definitely floating voters here who will have to think hard before May.
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