First though- I didn't make it to Trinity for a talk on the magnificent Theatre Royal (on Grey's Street)as my car cracked a bulletlike bang as I started out and the front was almost on the ground; undriveable according to the neighbours who dashed out to check the noise; B. my mechanic was my knight in shining armour and came down to check then fixed it good as new.
Walking this week took us to Meldon Park and a 6 mile varied and beautiful walk in the Angerton area- some lovely houses...
The trees are heavy with cherry blossom; aubretia is hanging over rockeries and stone walls; the first box of chitting potatoes have at last reared their green heads above compost level & I have earthed them up; I have planted up box 2 of chitted spuds; my patio pots and troughs are filled with predominantly purple pansies. The Bank Holiday weekend was heralded by a sunny day with temperatures of 21 degrees and a breeze- washing lines were filled and billowing in the sun. My tulips were standing like guardsmen on duty among the towels.
We drove down for yummy fish and chips on the Fish Quay- what is happening down there?
A group of us were wedding singers extraordinaire!! Then we all repaired to a local hostelry for lunch. The Falcon's Nest food is not up to much.
The daffodils are going over now on the Golden Mile along the Town Moor; my father always told us he could remember that as a little boy he planted some of those bulbs; apparently St Charles schoolchildren were among the children selected to plant daffodils- that must have been in the early 1930's.
D3 has patiently taught me to import photos on to my blog..... hopefully I can do this when she is not here now!!! Here goes.......
Gorgeous photos make so much of a difference to your blog :)