The borders are filled with flowers- geum, a variety of geraniums and a shrub which the bees love- it has limegreen leaves, white highly scented flowers and it hums constantly! A hedgehog wandered across the lawn late the other evening.

Which reminds me.... travelling along the A69 a few days ago we saw blue lights ahead of us... a police car was parked on the tongue of chevrons where a slip road entered the main highway and beside the car was a bedraggled owl; we checked the following morning and with no feathers or squashed bird we can only presume the police's benevolence paid off and WOL was rescued or pulled itself together & got off the road safely. Well done Mr Plod!

We have had so much sun that earlier this week the water butt was only 6inches off the bottom; however we had rain during one night and the butt filled up again. Just as well as the birds are splashing considerable amounts of water out of the birdbath as they thrash around in it. I have red strawberries in my pocketed pot- and my rhubarb has appeared under the acer- I thought it had disappeared after planting , never to be seen again. The potatoes are in flower as are the trails of pumpkin from the Belfast sink. I have mange tout too.
H1 is in 7th heaven with the World Cup and Wimbledon- even if England are out of the former. I would have got rid of Rooney as he was carried and did nothing except pass the ball to the opposition the few times he managed to get it.
I have had a lovely birthday eating with family one night and with friends the following night. Oooh! I got lovely pressies including 2 nemesia adorning the patio, a book on climate change (or scientific dispute of it) and a house for solitary bees- YAY!!
Can I go to bed now?
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