I can't get on with my book 'The Dante Club' and anyway it is yonks since I found the time to blog so here I am....

I have been so busy doing little jobs and entertaining.
I have picked, dried and stripped the lavender from the garden which gives our room a heavenly perfume and hopefully, some good nights' sleep.

The Ladies walked at Allen Banks upstream along the Allen to Plankey Mill and then returned on the opposite bank to the walled garden starting in frost then bathed in autumn sunshine yet again.

H1 and I went to the north Lakes for a weekend to help F. Last year the amphibious plants didn't grow down to the water's edge and perhaps this contributed to the fewer dragonflies which hovered over the pond this summer- SO there we were cutting, laying and anchoring coir on the pond edge; now - will it stay put through winter weather?

Where was everyone for the first of the season Trinity lecture?- it was on the 'Sage' and was skilfully delivered; so interesting but not well attended which was a real shame; mind it is £5 so maybe that is the deterrent?

The market gardens have all been full of Christmas merchandise for weeks; I confess to find it all rather nauseating in early October to be confronted by neon reindeer and decorated firs- so secular and consumer-blackmailing. Though I must admit my cactus has decided Christmas will be early this year!

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