Isn't it strange? All the things/people which kept me busy when I was already busy with offspring and work- are disappearing out of my life at a time when I thought I'd be less busy and have more time with them. Friends have moved, fair trade and church are less absorbing than when I ran lots for them; I see distant friends and extended family less..... come to that I think I paint, decorate, clean, iron, cook less..... so why am I so busy now that finding time to write and read has become difficult?

Why, if I have been marooned inhouse by weather, is my house more of a tip than it usually is? Maybe this fortnight it has been because I have spent so much time shovelling snow and being an ice breaker so the bin men can get in the road after 3 weeks of missing our court out.

H1, D3 and I went to Arbeia for a candlelit visit to the Romans!

P, C and I did not embarrass ourselves at a charity quiz.

Then a very select group of us went to Gateshead's, annual 'Enchanted Parks' at Saltwell Park; magical! Even though my pictures probably won't reflect the lights,art and drama etc., well enough. Some photos are blurry close up (when you click -or even click twice on the photo)

December 13th is St Lucy's day. In many countries, especially Sweden and in our neighbourhood, the youngest daughter dresses in white with a red belt (to commemorate purity and martyrdom) and gives out buns! St Lucy used to carry food (to persecuted Christians in the catacombs of Rome) so she used to stick her candle on her head- thus the lights and evergreen crowns of today's celebrations. I know now that a lot of our friends will giggle as they recall the lighting of a candle ......

According to legend, St Lucy is now the brightest star in the sky; methinks there is another roast parsnip-loving, young man who twinkles alongside her. Check out the back of the seats in the Theatre Royal!

Ice defeated the Ladies walking capabilities so we snuggled down to watch' Its a wonderful life' instead!

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