C&G organised a walk for the 'gang' around the village of Newbrough- a village with its own Town Hall; it also has a beautiful church and graveyard- is it just D3 and I who like glebe land? Apparently church grounds are so environmentally friendly and offer so much history that they are valuable.

A reconnaisance walk up at Elsdon provided us with ....... a visit to 'Impromptu', a different and friendly bikers' cafe......

a bastle? house

springs which poetically gurgle down and round the prehistoric? mounds of Motte Hill....

Winter's Gibbet stands stark and lonely on the skyline above Elsdon but peers down onto the church bells and flower-filled graveyard: Winter could see the home of the woman he killed.

Northumberland National Park authorities have left the gibbet and village car park unkempt and unloved- a shame for such a delightful village with 'The Pinfold' and a village green. The view atop Landshot Hill is worth the slow climb.
My pedometer has been busy........

A blue sky, empty of clouds and filled with sun climbed out of a white frosted morning; We walked the sands of Druridge Bay after lunch inn Widdrington.

Later I zumbad, sweated and laughed.......
But I have just eaten pancakes so was it worth it? What shall I do for Lent since today is Shrove Tuesday and tomorrow is Ash Wednesday?
I have been miserable with an abscess but with that beaten, I cracked a tooth on the contents of H1's stir-fry so back to the dentist! and in sympathy with the molar my pedometer has broken!

I'm worn out just reading this blog... Must look out for the friendly bikers cafe, take care Love Mrs H.xx