The sky was glowing pink tonight but surely tomorrow we could not have a better day than today -18 degrees and counting! We walked in heat from Bradley Gardens today; the world is alive with white blossom on the blackthorn, daffodils nodding everywhere... Hmm! Cast not a clout till may is out..... well we all stripped off to T-shirts and shorts today- but does that mean the month of May or the blossom on the hawthorn which is also called may blossom? Last week we walked from St Oswald's Tearoom at Heavenfield and tranquillity bathed the Tyne (view the George Hotel at Chollerford in the photo)- but today it was peaty brown and raging.

E is 60 today and C&A had baby Emily on Friday. L&S visited and we celebrated E's birthday with lovely grub at the Northumbrian Piper.
My potatoes are not chitting well..... but last year's leeks are thickening up so I won't empty the veg boxes to replace the compost.
D2 has been and gone after an enjoyable and researching weekend.
'The Tudor Wife' (Jane Boleyn nee Parker) has been replaced by Phillippa Gregory's 'The Red Queen' (Margaret Beaufort- Henry VII's mother)..... now I look at the 2 piles of books on my bedside table- perhaps I shall read Jodi Picoult's 'Mercy'?
Mothering Sunday was smashing- I was given a solitary bee nester to encourage yet another pollinator; a new pair of secateurs with soft handles for the gammy hand damaged methinks when trowelling at Vindolanda- blinking Roman clay!!!! and my favourite- coffee creams!
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