By Jove! It is bucketing! Thank goodness St. Swithun's Day was yesterday and only had a fine sprinkle for a few minutes then hot sun, otherwise we'd have had 40 days of deluge!!

Durham Botanic Gardens is a gem hidden away in an already beautiful city; the cafe food, service, shop and gardens (& yesterday's relaxation in almost too hot sunshine)are worth more than one visit. Boo! We saw a pesky, grey squirrel there yesterday.

Barbara Birley's talk on Roman Jewellery was so interesting- it was worth the journey out to Vindolanda- on a golden evening- 'the best part of the day'. General Wade's Military Road may be quite dangerous for driving but the views of the Roman Wall perched high up on the Whin Sill, Northumberland to the north and the Tyne Valley to the south- are so achingly beautiful.

I rarely include anything controversial in my blog but......

I was sickened by the Murdoch media involvement in phone hacking, especially of Millie Dowler's mobile; I cannot imagine her parents' hope of Millie still being alive when her inbox became able to take more texts- only to be due to deletions by a Murdoch employee.

I was amazed to hear the News of the World was the newspaper with the biggest circulation worldwide- I thought everyone shared my opinion that it was a 'pulp rag'. However lots of undeserving employees were sacrificed upon its closure.... but what has Rebekah Brooks got on Rupert that she has been so safeguarded? Can the Murdoch monopoly sink any lower? Did the 'group' hack into the phones of September 11th victims? The U.K. public kicked- will the U.S.A's Joe Bloggs do the same? Will people stop buying Murdoch's newspapers, Sky and advertising in all his enterprises, as they have here? Sky seems to contribute little in the making of new programmes but merely plagiarise. Would we miss this monopoly if the public demanded some principles in the media?

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