Monday was one of those days when I did loads of jobs yet looking back I couldn't think of what I'd done. I made a huge pressure cooker full of broth; while dicing vegetables I noticed (heard!) a male blackbird who appeared to be sitting on the edge of the birdbath- was there any water in it I wondered- Yes! water showered over the lavender as he began bathing obviously with great gusto. I composted flowers received for Christmas gifts- lasted well. You don't want to hear about washing, drying etc......... and I don't really want to do it but needs must when the devil drives and you run out of socks.
What have BabyBio done to their new bottle tops which I had to wrestle with for 10minutes? My plants will go increasingly hungry (though such a fight might burn off some Christmas calories!!!) Having said that, my Kew orchid is radiant with flowers for the fifth? time.

I was rescued from chores by walking 3 miles with friends to a fab lunch provided by a fourth friend; we had a great catch up.
Monday was Burns Night so we had tatties and neeps (H1 calls it swede but we all call it turnips) but we forewent the haggis and had mince; why don't WeightWatchers encourage eaters to have dumplings? Presumably cos we'd turn into dumplings but if you are one already, then we should be encouraged to eat them (especially crusty ones done in the oven on the top of the mince.)
After that I went to a really interesting talk at Trinity on the Newcastle-Gateshead Initiative and to see a late showing of 'It's complicated'; lots of people recommended this as funny..... Hmm?
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