Another two overnights which have crept snow on us silently. Only D3's footprints leave the court in the morning....... that must be difficult for her when everyone else is asleep or at least still snug in bed reading.
I am reading Julie Walter's autobiography- a bit like my young life & obviously set in the same time slot so she must be approximately the same age as me- but has more money! It is ok and I will finish it before going on to Dan Brown's latest which H1 has now finished (shows what he has done for days now when he WASN'T clearing snow).Now I know what is meant by 'in the deep midwinter'. However H1 has taken over from me & started to clear the path up to the front door now he has finally managed to get hold of a straight edged shovel (I was using & probably ruining the garden spade).
Oh heck the skype thingy on the bottom bar of this screen keeps flashing but the name is one of the names of folks D3 met in Oz- so he knows I am online but I darent answer even if I could.
Ooh I got so excited yesterday when I discovered I had a comment & my blog had some visitors- 'red squirrels' meant it had to be someone in the north- could it be Wife in the North who blogs from Northumberland & who has written a book? Have the Google spiders found my blog & brought it up on the google list? Then I discovered D3 had sent a link out to my friends! But it was lovely to get a response so I hope F1,000,000,000 does it again.
The national news is full of snow now the South have got some snow-Huh! we have had it in the North for weeks- well 10 days before Christmas; H1 says he thinks it will be worse than 1947- of course H1 is MUCH older than me!!and he is pipped cause he has had to cancel his drama ' club' with a production coming up.
How can I have a mouth ulcer for the first time in years? I couldn't possibly be run down after all those sprouts; or could it be that I have eaten too many acidy satsumas?
Ingredients- Olive oil (or butter)
1 med onion skinned & diced
1.5 lbs parsnips (peeled &diced)
1 level teasp curry powder
1/2 level teasp ground cumin
21/2 pints chicken stock
salt & pepper
5 fl oz single cream (I use no-fat yoghurt)
paprika to garnish
Fry onion & parsnip in oil for 3 mins; stir in cumin & curry powder for 2 mins;add stock & bring to boil then reduce heat to simmer for approx 45mins till veg tender. Cool slightly, mash or puree then add seasoning & beat in yoghurt(do not reboil).
I confess I make batches of soup including the inevitable post Christmas turkey broth & decant them into clean margarine containers & stack them in the freezer to be pulled out for lunches whenever- a brilliant standby. But you probably do all this too.
Yesterday was the Epiphany; it is considered unlucky here to have your Christmas decorations still up after this date(January 6th and the 12th of the 12 Days of Christmas?) but on the continent this is one big party day when the magi came bearing gifts for the ChristChild representing the Gentile bit of mankind. I'm not into superstition (did my mother just make that up anyway to get stuff put away & the house back to normal?)- I will however take the tree etc down today being stuck in the house yet again.
White rooftops, stark trees, bright sunshine and blue sky- just glorious- and the snowdrops will come in their own time............
It is difficult plodding through the snow looking at all the houses closed up and warm...makes me want to be back in bed!
ReplyDeleteOooh this is nice to read, good to know what's going on up North! Will tune in again for my lunchtime catch ups. Snow is bad down here and trains all over the shop, but nowhere as bad as up there I think! Love Blue Whale xxx (carrying on from the red squirrel theme, but taking into account cold and how much I ate over Christmas...)
ReplyDeleteD1 here!! I finally have your blog address so can read your updates as you go. I have to ask the question....did in fact the tree get taken down on the 6th?! This is why I love being unChristmassy in my house!! I have nothing to take down and the decorations at school are always down on the last day of term. Might have to try that soup ma....although I dont have any of the will probs have to stick to the tins til I get to go shopping!! xx
ReplyDeleteDon't be stuck inside. Why not get out and make yourself a snowman. You can clear the snow from the path as you roll it along and much more enjoyable than shovelling.