Well in text form- not Alistair Cooke variety. Ds1&3 went on a 'once in a lifetime' tour from New York to San Francisco for 4 weeks. We set about visiting London, gardening and lots of activities like painting and decorating..... but traumatic calls from the U.S., trips to hospital in NY (imagine living in a country where the paramedics won't load you into an ambulance till you've shown the insurance forms and the colour of your money!) The medical staff were lovely, the tests were adequate but the hospital was 'minging'. Hostel 1 staff were kind, Hostel 2 receptionist was horrible, the NY Holiday Inn guy was compassionate.... and we spoke to people all over the world as we tracked down insurance, offspring etc. Ellis Island was interesting.... The tour started in not just high temperatures but in a heat wave on top; after camping in 40+ degrees (why is there no degree sign on a querty keyboard?), 2hrs sleep per night and too much heat to visit anywhere during the day, a leader who was 'entertaining'(read drinking) till 3am then driving at 6am, the tour reached New Orleans; internet cafes there were not,(take WiFi mobs with you if you go) so UK received calls to get a hotel; yes the website looked good, but a collapsing bed, stained sheets, hair covered sheets and howling dog does make you wonder how hotels across the pond get 5* awards or are we used to higher standards so moan? Smelly, seedy New Orleans did not serve to impress so as camping in Death Valley loomed the Intrepid pair jumped ship and requested us to get them flights across the Atlantic; we picked them up from Heathrow 17 days early and a lot lighter in money- but safe and sound.

The hydrangeas are magnificent this year. The rowans are berried. The nights are drawing in and at times the heating has been on. I have bought hedgehog food - if S&V can get a whole family of hedgehogs on their patio for supper, why can't I? But the magppies are nicking my expensive and special food.

The walk to Souter lighthouse along the National Trust's Leas from South Shields was pictuesque; even if it was overcast there were optimistic folk on the beach!

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