I cannot believe I didn't show you the first harvest of potatoes- grown by my own fair hand! Well with a little excited help from D3.

and to think we are about to exhume the second yield and you have not known of the wonders of harvesting. P has promised me some of his apples. With pots of jam on the shelves, patio pumpkins and sprouts,leeks and cauliflowers in boxes I am becoming quite the farmer and Nigella!

Fine weather saw R complete a 140+ mile cycle ride for charity while we all went scarecrow viewing at Rennington. We love the effort this village puts in every year originally begun to roof their village hall; this year it was for their beautiful church and the North Air Ambulance; it is only right that we eat scones and drink tea in order to support rural economy and such a wonderful service to the folks of the North. Isn't it?
After egg & cress sandwiches and sausage butties there we proceeded to the RNLI Fete at Seahouses; I have a soft spot for the Lifeboat men who put their lives on the line voluntarily to help those 'in peril on the sea'; when the maroons used to go up over the village , men would start running to man the lifeboat - it brings hairs up on your neck and a lump to your throat. The Boulmer rescue helicopter and 'Grace Darling' Lifeboat carried out winching 'survivors' up as we threw balls at china and into pails all to the sounds of a good group.

D3 won Rusty the goldfish while I (now an honorary grandmother to a goldfish) won a coconut.
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