The cases and I are sitting folorn and empty on the landing; they await manhandling into the loft to be hidden and discarded till the next season; I am there sorting out washing into piles of white cutoffs, shorts,and T-shirts into washing-machine sized heaps. I have fallen off the end of a lovely, lovely week with friends in Menorca and I admit I am sad.

It took so long for Facebook and offspring to reunite us after 20 years and nothing between us had changed. K and I can still talk for England!
We four (and Jack)

drifted (often with glass in hand) around a beautiful island.... bumping into Richard (Branson)...eating at D. M, and S's sister's expensive and superb Biniarocca hotel (where L gave us cuttings of the most fragrant plant- 'Ladies of the Night')

....drifted around Mahon harbour with 'the twins' in P's boat, passing cruisers, Admiral Lord Collingwood's house, bars (admittedly we didn't pass all these)

Good company, good food (4lbs on in a week!), good friends, white painted houses, much laughter, beautiful coves, great memories (what a memory K has!), fab music, adult playgrounds (which didn't interest P & H1)

and wonderfully good hospitality.

Goodness me! How I cried.. Parting is such sweet sorrow.....Supposing I don't see K, P, and J again?

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