I think too, I am working hard at 'serving' (read caring/making an effort for) people and it doesn't increase your popularity and inclusion so why bother? Do I say things wrongly? OMG, is this old age creeping in? I remember my mother coming out with ' Now I am 70 years old I intend to say it out as it is' and we all thought 'Has she not been doing that for years?'! Have I come to this state of mind early? I worry about what & how I say things and yet it seems to get me nowhere. So write about emotional turmoil- ooh! there's an idea.

D3 finds us the most exciting things to do! After Enchanted Gardens, the Lord of Misrule mentioned Seaton Delaval Hall 12th Night production and D3 looked it up and booked us in to .......a winding walk lit by lanterns and 17th century servants; up the stairs to hot elderflower wine and all sorts of characters- Joie de Vivre, undertakers, salters, Hercules the horse, Sir Francis de Laval and his mistress (both flamboyant wannabee actors in their time - & hilarious in our time) National Trust admins and volunteer, VanBrugh the architect of the Hall, a gardener and so on;

then after talking to them all- well informed on their role in the life of DeLaval Hall, we sang our way into the Twelfth Night celebrations at a wonderfully laid out table.... china with riddles on, coal and golden walnuts piled Ferrero style, salt etched in maritime designs, a huge Twelfth Night cake,

a King and Queen.... and a drama which was exciting and warm to watch ( wrapped in 'provided' thermal blankets).

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