I knew Colin Firth would/should get an award for 'The King's Speech'; I thought he was brilliant at acting George V1 (even if the use of the F-word was unnecessary & unauthentic).
Winnie the Pooh Day yesterday; I have always loved Pooh-I can identify with a ' bear of little brain'. I remember a relative giving me a medal for Pooh's 50th birthday (gosh! a long time ago!); it had on it 'Because its yours because we love you'. Yeah right!
Eeh! A night on the town with the girls- well Barluga to be exact- was fun but H1 gave a lift back conditional to calling in at the pub where we had a great hour with C&B- but both their friends have lost their jobs in Civil Service and T has lost her position with 'One North East'.... the coalition cuts are just starting to bite. I bet the bankers don't get bitten- they are still going to get huge bonuses and pensions (Lloyds top guy for a kick off).
After a long campaign against Interflora, finally today they sent a replacement bouquet to D2 after the awful, dead bunches they gave her from me (at a cost to me of £38!) last summer. I won't use Interflora again though.
So our beloved Government are thinking of selling Forestry Commission land off into private hands? More of our land we can not walk in. Where will our children/grandchildren see nature, breathe deep, take exercise, enjoy? There is a petition against it- and contact your MP.

I am succumbing to the smell of paint- scenery painting at the weekend and now the kitchen/utility/breakfast room blanches and sparkles under H1's brush; normally I paint but I can't this year. (I am useless glossing anyway)

I couldn't move last week- after much research with GPs and zentherapist massages (wow- felt like liquid heaven at the time but glowed like hell that night) methinks the shoulders ached and fingers impulsed with electric shorts, due to the typing position dictated by the computer station.... so after dismantling and moving, I am trying to wordprocess and cursor (curse!) over gel pads on the desk.

Lunch at the Hearth was taken with M. and H. under the auspices of Bookcrossing.
Perhaps I should not be irritated at not writing but should take comfort and pride in being a reader instead.
On the domestic front- today was the first day the sun allowed washing to be hung outside; I put the porch light back an hour too; both made me feel better!
You did say he would get an award a few weeks ago after seeing the film. Well done getting the better of Interflora it's a pity they weren't quicker in making right their mistake, I certainly wont order anything from them again. Love Mrs M