Did I say gardens don't argue back? Thank the Lord for the NHS on Friday night! After watering my pots in the evening (& I got bitten twice so my leg is itchy and swollen) I noticed a weed ( when does a weed become a desirable plant?) and (unusually ungloved) pulled it but the feverfew? fought back; within minutes I was itchy, swelling , urticariaed, and ill! Yes I took my usual allergy tablet but various symptoms caused a rush to A&E (so where is it in the being rebuilt RVI?); the triage nurse took one look & rushed me into a flashing, beeping cubicle and ECG, oxygen monitor, questions......Eventually I deflated, stabilised, medicated and departed with instructions!

Did I show you the beehouse Rainbow K sent me from the Eden Project in Cornwall (a brilliant conversion of an disused claymine into biospheres which are so eco interesting)?
Talking environment...... we've been several times to 'Goats on the Roof'-(purely in the interests of supporting rural economy of course); the food is good,rare breeds fascinating, the views across Fontburn Reservoir are smashing and the new kid is climbing!

I think I will go eat breakfast; I shall return with a cuppa!
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