I am fortified with porridge and a mug of tea so I am back!

Yesterday was frazzled amid me trying to bake a wedding cake (had to give in till today but I note the weighed out ingredients- especially cherries- are diminishing!!!).

We had worked out when we were going to at last decorate that small bedroom (which discussion H1 promptly forgot about and went into 'drift' mode again- drift mode can last a minimum of 7 years!) but threatened with no golf he remembered again but we have lost the carpet put aside at the showroom for us! thus H1 was emulsioning like the devil incarnate yesterday and was in associated mood.

Mayhem......In between moving furniture, moving house, reorganising the garage in order that we could store furniture there for the next house move, standing on upturned paintpot lid in dark, busy garage,myriads of phonecalls, lining cake tin, hairdresser visits, arranging hen party and- the best bit- visiting B in hospital (I could have done that the night before couldn't I when I paid my visit to Casualty but maybe 10.30pm wasn't such a good idea!).....

...oh!and a young folks party behind us which spilled out onto their lawn so their flashing 'interrogation' lights were on & off like yoyos lighting up the interior of our house at regular and scarey intervals. We couldn't even bribe the window cleaner to alter the angle down slightly to miss us!

But the room looks lovely even with bare floor boards!

Last weekend was the Late Spring Bank Holiday whereupon we visited-

the Grand Melee at Belsay. Introduced by the storyteller came knights , their Ladies, their squires, musicians and the jester who was hilarious.

Meanwhile in the calm of the rest of the gardens, the handkerchief tree and rhododendrons were resplendent in flower.

The laburnum and allium bed hummed and the croquet lawn cracked with the whack of mallet to ball.

England , my England; I should have hung out with John Betjeman who loved Edwardian England too

At Cragside we looked down on Rothbury through banks of rhododendrons (out much earlier this year perhaps because of the exceptionally dry, two months) and enjoyed the fragrance drifting from the last azaleas

before foolishly inspecting the Trim Trail.

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