Time goes on and the shower is still leaking- only 4 months now at least. H1 is useless at DIY and is not interested in the house so how do I get a shower base sorted out? Every plumber I have contacted says 'Yes! I can put that right but No! I won't put in the shower base you want and have trawled round for months choosing - I have an account at the Plumb Centre so choose out of their catalogue'. Said catalogue contains tiny pictures in which I can not see what they have to offer.

Some weeks ago we three decided to visit somewhere out of the rain- the Bowes Museum with the mechanical silver swan.....

We never got there! We stopped off in Staindrop for grub - purely in the interests again, of supporting rural economy- duty calls!

The church was holding a flower festival and we got waylaid. The community were originally holding the festival to buy a toilet for the congregation; however thieves had stripped lead off the church roof- and churches can only insure for up to £5,000 so forget the loo- they need to find another £15K to put the roofing in proper order again. How sad is that?

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