What a weekend a group of us had to celebrate the ruby weddings of M&T,J&E who have had 40 years of married bliss....

On the train we were like a group of kids with our bottles of wine and great hilarity!

The Cedar Court looked good but was not so out of the ordinary as it should have been; but it was central for the station and the old town.

I love York!

Ambling down the Shambles; there was a large Food fayre on; Alan Bennett's show on at the theatre; and a service at the Minster (on the Saturday the ringers had a full peal going.) We took a Hop on/Hop off bus which was handy. The river boat ride was interesting and good value too.

The Minster is always beautiful especially the rose window; I would love to have seen John Sentamu, the archbishop- a man I have a lot of time for- would take a religion forward with joy not back preVatican II like the Catholic bishops. Fish on Fridays and twiddling round with liturgical language?? - Come off your pedestals and catch up to 2011 !

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