Meanwhile A. came to visit bearing beautiful flowers and a Marion Keyes book- D1 has always read Marion but I only discovered her books latterly.

More excitement the next day when a delivery arrived of a profusion of pink blossoms from D2 and M.

In the interim......you are waiting with bated breath...... the hyacinths from D3 are blue and the whole house is drifted with their heavy perfume. So heavy the heads have had to be staked up!

D2 has been on a jewellery course- working with silver- who knows where she gets her creativity from- it ain't me or H1 ! My mother's side ,I think. My maternal aunt was a handpaintress for the famous Maling pottery. Anyway do not look at the scraggy neck of the wearer! D2 and M came to see the Thespians perform at the weekend (brilliantly , I might add! totally unbiased view!) and J. left this necklace as a gift for me. See? I told you I was a lucky girl......
J has been asked to make some for bridesmaids so if you want a necklace (all differently commissioned designs....) let me know.

In the darkness looking down the Close the ice gleams silvery in the light of the full moon.

I am going back to bed ..... to sleep.... perchance to dream .... of summer?..... probably to read.

In the garden I detect signs that Spring is just around the corner....
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