Unsure of that as we are forecast snow tomorrow!If it does come my daffodils are going to get 'burned' as their spears are all optimistically up about 5inches. There are snowdrops out in the garden- but it is too blinking cold to venture out to take a photo for you! We need to get to Belsay which is drifted with snowdrops and Hawick Hall which has a wonderful snowdrop walk - and (if you like it....I don't) cups of Earl Grey tea since he and his wife lived & offered afternoon tea hospitality here.
The skimmia is starting to flower where no plant has boldly gone before.
Indoors my orchid (a gift from D2 from Kew Gardens so many years ago) is flowering AGAIN.

Friends have brought 'spring is coming and you will be gardening again soon' gifts- daffodils and a tray of blueberries and raspberries(ooh! you're my favourite!)Not just any daffodils and fruits but M&S......

Meanwhile the family divas tread the boards in 'Maud of the Rings'- while I slave away over a hot stove to provide meals to keep them flouncing! It is such an excellent production that my contribution has been worth it.
The leak has temporarily disappeared out of sight but it has done that before lots over 4 years.
I realise I do not sit at this computer properly thus the shoulder ache at times;perching on the edge of chair with unsupported arms was just what I taught teenagers NOT to do! I shall go relax with my book-I recommend 'The Help'- I couldn't put it down. I have now gone back to my 'younger-days' author, Anya Seton (of 'Katherine' fame) and her 'Green Darkness'.
My hyacinths from D3 have been withholding their colour enfolded in green darkness- I reckon hyacinth blue but who knows ?........any time now......I can't wait for that heavy , heavenly perfume to fill the house.

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