Sunday 31 July 2011

Autumn cometh?

I must be quick- downstairs H1 is waving the remote!
I am getting the hang of this new camera- but the photos take ages to upload.

Is it just my perception of things or do I detect a slight change of colour on the trees? I don't want summer to go- yet I do like every season & love autumnal colours and festivals- but that heralds the end of another year.......

A bowl of soup at Simonburn tearooms (ooh! have you sipped Fentiman's rose lemonade? mmmm!)

then we walked from Stonehaugh....

from Warkburn Picnic area.........past the totem poles......(I was with a right clot-D3!)

through a really forward-thinking campsite environmentally lit and water heated by wind and solar panels

past hawthorns already covered in haws, past sycamores already winged, through vetch, tormentil and harebells......

to 'The Long Drop', a netty (outside toilet down the garden- in this case which 'dropped' straight down into the valley below ) for the inhabitants of (now abandoned) Roses Bower..........

the rosebay willow herb is everywhere.

The audience at the Custom House was as funny as the play 'Visiting Mr. Green'! People don't know how to act in the theatre nowadays! Crackly packets of crisps, sweets which have to be unwrapped from crackly papers, crackly plastic cupped drinks which 'have' to be brought in to the auditorium then have to be evacuated by people leaving to go to the loo in midplot! YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT! Good job the play (about New York jewishness ,homosexuality and the young meeting old) was excellent or I could have crackled a few folk!

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