Thursday 27 February 2014

I must......

I must improve! I have to get down to writing every day..... but life is so busy- and that is not just me hiding behind excuses.

I could have hit the computer this morning but a clear blue sky and a gap before a birthday lunch with friends meant time was on my side- and the garden is really getting to me; I managed to prune roses -I am trying a new pruning time as I normally snip in November but so many gardening books recommend that northern roses should be cut back in late Feb /beginning of March so I am giving that schedule a go this winter;after that I took out a hydrangea,  resited it and planted a scented sarcococca in the sheltered corner I had freed up.
Even now as I try to focus on the screen - I can see sunlight on nearby brickwork and my resistance is weakening; shall I get changed out of my 'party' clothes and get out there? but it was spitting on a few minutes ago.

Admittedly I have been 'deterred'- I have had a lot of visitors staying ; then one by one we all consecutively went down with a bug and in order to avoid the baby getting this virus, my bucket and I stayed in bed well away from everyone.

Oh, oh white paintwork outside is bright  and beckoning me. I must not look......

Upon recovery I went to a family birthday afternoon tea to Eshott Hall; the Hall is a country house which has been gentrified since we went trekking around Northumbria for the best venue for a family wedding reception. We tested/test via afternoon teas and a browse but often we have been wedding guests too. We walked across from the car park admiring the magnificent drifts of snowdrops and were delighted by the red squirrels scampering  up and down & nibbling on the bird feeders! The 12 of us were sat in a lovely room (we could see other parties sipping tea in  different rooms eg the drawing room/the library etc) around a large circular table.; the gluten free 3 tier plate was brought first then the general tray of sandwiches and another of cakes. We 'inspected' the function suite, toilets, and glimpsed candles being lit in the intimate sized dining room. For a smallish wedding (though the venue said 100day and 120 evening guests- hmm?!) this is a very nice setting. Photos taken on the staircase, with a beautiful large leaded window behind, would be beautiful.

The sky is pure blue, the sun is out, the wind has dropped and I'm off- secateurs in hand to prune a clematis Montana which has got out of hand- and further round the fence a dry, crisp, browny clematis- maybe a jackmanii? needs my attention.......

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