Sunday 9 February 2014

The Railway Man-Film Review1

There were some really good films to be seen in January; before I knew it, we were almost into February and we had been too busy to go to the pictures due to the pressures of family, social life, rehearsals and production.  'Nil desperandum- we will go before they all disappear into the archives!' Thus we worked out a schedule between The Gate and Tyneside cinemas to see most of the films we had missed- some of these we saw back to back with a quick slurp of coffee in between- or a meal at the Tyneside Cinema which we both think is great.

The Railway Man      I had read of Northumbrian Eric Lomax some years ago and had wanted to see the film when it came out. Much of it was filmed in Northumberland which, of course, made it more interesting; it is harrowing and combined with two of the other films we saw, it convinced me of how cruel the humans can be to each other. Was the location for the filming of these Burma railway scenes actually to be found in Burma? It looked a beautiful place. I know many of the local people were forced to work on the railway too. I cannot imagine Eric Lomax was easy to live with preoccupied as he was with the horror of what he had seen and endured. Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman disappeared into the characters they played.

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