Saturday 30 January 2010

More of the same!

Last night I looked up at the moon and Mars glinting red beside it in such a clear winter sky; looking at the rings of wonderful haloes around the moon I announced it was going to snow; H1 smiled at such an old wives tale and woke this morning to a good 2 inches of snow! Tonight is a full moon and I suspect ,a blue moon; a blue moon is a full moon that is the second full moon in a calendar month- and there was a full moon 28 days ago in the beginning of January.

'The Woman in Black ' at the Theatre Royal was a scream! Two excellent actors carried the whole play- except of course for glimpses of 'The Woman in Black'.


  1. I learn something new each time I read your blog keep it up xxxxxx

  2. Anonymous31.1.10

    Having read the book last year,I, too, saw "Woman in Black" - nearly cancelled as I'd heard so many reports of how frightening it was. Yes actors were excellent, as was the improvisation of props. Off to see "Chicago" next.

  3. I set my computer to subscribe to your blog but i realised i have not read it! This has now been corrected :)

    Forgive me, i don't think it was technically a blue moon as the last full moon happened on December 31st which itself was a Blue moon.
