Thursday 1 April 2010

April Fool / Maundy Thursday

At last - some sunshine after days of stotting rain.

Ingram Valley presented us with rain and a wonderful day; D1's class were a joy once again. Farmer James showed us how disability means nothing- Moss & (3-legged) Sam the sheepdogs brought in his flock to whistles & childrens' wows at the speed they travelled outby.We learned about horses, cattle (& a HUGE bull called Caleb)and watched lambs being born & wrapped in plastic coats like sausages; however if the forecasted weather arrives and if the snow is as bad as the forecast then Jim says he will lose many of his newborn lambs.

We 'cashed in' my raffle prize from the Rag Ball & went to the Tyneside Cinema; friends had recommended 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'. Yikes! an excellent film but it was rather sexually explicit. I really like the Tyneside with its Arte Nouveau decoration & history.

The Ouseburn is right up to flood level- will the new bridge lifting stop it backing up? Blockpaving has a lot to answer for-it so removes the interception layer which slows down flow & decreases(ie speeds up) the lag time of surface water back into water courses (water delivery to streams etc formerly spread across several hours, now hits the water courses very quickly). Why doesn't Newcastle Council provide subsidised (recycled of course) plastic eggbox type surfacing which allows grass to grow through while allowing parking on top of it?

We went walking at Bolam/Shaftoe Crags with the group; the sun came out as we stood to eat lunch watching herons and swans on a temporary pool. Our waterproofs are now whizzing around in 'inky' water in the washing machine.

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